What is MahaParamashivoham?
MahaParamashivoham is a 21-day Global Summit aimed at moulding the next generation of Enlightened Hindu Leaders. This pure Enlightenment program is designed and delivered by the Avatar and Living Incarnation of Paramashiva Himself, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyananda Paramashivam.
The program leads the future leaders of Hinduism through spiritual and cognitive shifts, manifestation of extraordinary powers, and feeling connection of Oneness (Advaita) with the Ultimate Cosmic Superconscious, the Supreme Divine, Paramashiva! It is Enlightenment delivered to your screen.
Benefits of MahaParamashivoham Program
The MahaParamashivoham Program will empower participants to bring complete health and wellness into their lives, attract success and abundance, have blissful relationships with themselves and others, live a conflict-free life and unleash their true potential.
Complete Health and Wellness
“Good health is not just the absence of disease, it is the presence of ease, a sense of well-being”
The disease starts in the mind. Often, our physical and mental disorders are side effects of deeper underlying issues, such as past traumas, lack of self-love, or unhealthy lifestyle choices. Over time, we reinforce self-destructive behaviors and thought patterns which eventually manifest as disease or depression. The multiple dimensions of the MahaParamashivoham reprogram the neural pathways in the brain, repaving a path toward physical, mental, and emotional health.
Continuous Rejuvenation
“The body is not just a bio-mechanism, it is pure intelligence meant to experience high levels of super-conscious energy.”
When our inner space is filled with confusion, worry, stress, or anxiety, vital life energy is drained from your system. Every aspect of MahaParamashivoham is designed to return you to the realm of consciousness, or deep peace. When you become established in that space, you will be continuously rejuvenated with energy.
Tools For Success and Abundance
“Wealth in both the inner and outer worlds can be equated to the life energy you express”
Extraordinary enthusiasm is the key to creating wealth. Enthusiasm is an inner quality, which is awakened through the kundalini shakthi (energy). Once it’s awakened, the ability to attract wealth happens as a byproduct. In MahaParamashivoham, The SPH delves into the secrets and strategies for creating, sustaining and celebrating wealth. Participants are taught the ways in which their conscious state relates to the ability to accumulate wealth.
Relating to the divinity within
"The way we view others is a projection of our own worldview”
Many times, our relationships suffer because there is a gap between how we perceive others, and the reality of who they truly are. Reality does not coincide with what we perceive, which leads to conflict. This is what SPH refers to as a rift between “My world” and “The world.” Learning how to close this gap is the focus of the relationships dimension of this program. In Maha Paramashivoham, SPH addresses the most complex issues surrounding how we relate to one another. In actuality, our actions are driven by the perceptions we hold in life. When these views change, naturally our reactions and responses to the world and those around us will also transform.
Unleash your potential Creativity and Uniqueness
“Each of us is a unique and irreplaceable part of the grand orchestra of the Universe.”
We rarely feel comfortable with expressing our true individuality. In everyday life, we are expected to play many different roles (i.e., mother, student, lawyer, friend, etc.). We are often unaware of our own inherent uniqueness. The methods taught in this program create a space for each individual to discover their unexpressed talents, creativity, and potential.
Mental Clarity
“The beauty of meditation is that it transforms intellectual knowledge into personal experience.”
The experiential nature of this program is what makes it so exceptional. The techniques presented in MahaParamashivoham will help you shift you from intellect to intelligence by learning the art of being at ease with your surroundings, and how to maintain a clear inner space for mental clarity, concentration, and memory retention.
Forge the path towards your life’s true purpose
"The fact that you are searching for fulfillment means that fulfillment is known to you; otherwise you would not search for it. There is a hope that you will experience it again. That is why you extend your life."
Realize what it is that you truly want from life. Whether it is beauty, health, financial success, or satisfying relationships, all external goals are derived from a deep yearning to return to our nature of bliss.
Conflict free living
"Integrate, and evolve"
A conflict free world starts with a conflict free individual. Through the inspiration and guidance of one who has mastered the mind we discover how to navigate towards our own intuitive zone. The more in tune we become with our own intuition, the more courage we have to think, speak, and (most importantly) LIVE our own truth. By doing so, our intentions naturally align with our actions. That is living a conflict free life.
Scientific Studies & Findings
In a breakthrough series of studies conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences and Mangalore University in 2011, Kundalini awakening and its benefits were systematically recorded under controlled conditions in over 300 individuals attending intensive yoga and meditation.
Mental Health Recoveries

97% of participants reported total recovery from depression

Freedom from Phobias
89% of participants reported complete freedom from phobias

Anger and Frustration
82% of participants reported complete freedom from anger and frustration

Recovery from Insomnia
88% of participants showed marked recovery from insomnia

Panic Attack & Insecurity
76% of participants reported recovery from panic attacks & freedom from insecurity

Mental Focus & Freedom from Mood Swing
73% of participants reported an increase in mental focus & freedom from mood swings
Physical Health Recoveries

Eating Disorders
100% of participants recorded total recovery from eating disorders

Chronic Fatigue
100% of participants recorded total recovery from chronic fatigue

Rheumatoid Arthritis
92% of participants
showed marked total recovery from rheumatoid arthritis

78% of participants showed marked recovery from osteo-arthritis

79% of participants showed marked recovery from asthma

Chronic Headaches
71% of participants showed marked recovery from chronic headaches
Lifestyle Transformations

Better Eating Habit
93% of participants reported better eating habits at the end of the program

Freedom From Smoking
86% of participants have decided to stop smoking at the end of the program

Freedom From Drinking
84% of participants have decided to stop drinking at the end of the program

Substance Abuse
86% of participants have decided to stop using addictive substances at the end of the program

Increase in Cellular Energy
100% of participants recorded a drastic increase in energy level, averaging 1300%

Mental Focus & Freedom from Mood Swing
73% of participants reported an increase in mental focus & freedom from mood swings
Testimonials from Paramashivoham
Past participants sharing their experiences from the previous Paramashivoham program
Dropping Incompletions and Manifesting 3rd Eye Powers
Paramashivoham Darshan – left wow-ed and Speechless
Manifesting Shakthis of altering Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate
Power of Healing – Mahasadashivoham Sharing
Who is the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam?
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, JagatGuru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (SPH) is the reviver of KAILASA – the great ancient enlightened Hindu civilizational nation. The SPH is an Avatar as per Hinduism and is the Supreme Pontiff (Jagadguru Mahasannidhanam) of Hinduism. The SPH has made the science of power manifestation, Yoga and temple based universities for humanity.