KAILASA Expands Its Mission for the Environment through Multilateralism at UNEA-6 of the UN Environment Programme

UNON, UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya, March 01, 2024 – KAILASA Joins High-Level Segment and National Statements for the Environment of UNEA-6 at UNEP

The Direct disciples of THE SPH BHAGVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM and alumni of KAILASA’s Nithyananda Gurukul from the Sovereign Order of KAILASA’s Nithyananda, alongside Presidents, Prime Ministers, & Heads of State from close to 150 countries, represented KAILASA at the high-level segment of UNEA-6, the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly.

The high-level segment began with the third plenary session of UNEP, which was marked by addresses from Presidents, Prime Ministers, & High-Officials of the United Nations:

• President of the Republic of Kenya

• President of the Republic of Botswana

• President of the Republic of Djibouti

• President of the Transition, Head of the State of the Gabonese Republic

• President of the Federal Republic of Somalia

• Vice President of the Presidential Council of the State of Libya

• Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe

• Prime Minister of the Republic of Burundi

• Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Eswatini

• Prime Minister of the Republic of Rwanda

• President of the Environment Assembly

• President of the General Assembly

• President of the Economic and Social Council

• Secretary-General of the United Nations (video message)

• Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme

• Director General of the World Health Organization (keynote address)

The high-level segment of UNEA-6 was held at the United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON) as part of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and addressed the theme “Effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.” The segment consisted of an opening plenary meeting with statements by key dignitaries, national statements, three leadership dialogues, a multi-stakeholder dialogue, and a closing plenary meeting, during which the UNEA took action on the draft ministerial declaration as well as the draft resolutions and decisions. The high-level segment was supported by a report by the Executive Director (UNEP/EA.6/2) and the guidance provided by the President of UNEA. 

Across KAILASA’s ecosystems around the world, THE SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM (SPH), BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM, has implemented sustainable development measures and policies that promote growth while guaranteeing the welfare of the planet. KAILASA now expands its mission for the environment through multilateralism, partnering with nations to restore the glory of the planet and foster sustainable development across the globe.

Diplomats of KAILASA presented KAILASA’s National Statement for the Environment and its vision and solution for restoring the Earth’s glory by 2030 in accordance with the main UN SDGs. When applied at a global level, KAILASA’s environmental policies established by THE SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM can set the world on the right path toward achieving ecological balance and sustainable development, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals such as Goal 13: Climate Action, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 15: Life on Land, and other relevant targets aimed at preserving ecosystems, combating climate change, and promoting sustainable practices worldwide.

UNEP Official Article: 


Watch all KAILASA’s representations at UN: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL21WI5_pNwj77WphhBuM5VWJdulUfqEzh 

View the Photos: https://www.facebook.com/srinithyananda/posts/pfbid0qaicFpTQ6JYYEqfQSSRnySCCuVdgtjjFUUqFmtmgY1TJkgDyRtAHsBj1Tf5wgpgdl 

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