The United States of KAILASA, the First Sovereign State of Hindus, has taken a significant step in addressing gender-based violence in sports through the submission of its comprehensive report, “Violence Against Women and Girls in Sport,” to the United Nations.
This report marks the 18th publication by the United Nations, resonating with the number 18, symbolizing victory and a nod to the auspicious celebrations of Navaratri and the Mahabharata war’s 18-day span.
Key Highlights of the Report:
1. Impact of Violence on Hindu Sportswomen:
The report highlights the severe impact of ongoing violence and discrimination against Hindu sportswomen, attributing challenges in training, competition, and excelling in sports to the historical and continuous Hindu Holocaust.
2. Systemic Causes and Historical Context:
KAILASA’s submission examines the systemic causes of violence against Hindu women and girls in sports. It provides a deep dive into ingrained patriarchal norms, gender stereotypes, and the cultural genocide that affected female monastic orders like the Rudrakanyas during colonial times.
3. Revival of Hindu Matrilineal Society:
The report underscores the revival efforts by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, emphasizing the revival of mother worship and Hindu matrilineal societal values within KAILASA. This initiative aims to restore gender equality as per ancient Hindu laws.
4. Legal and Juridical Statehood of KAILASA:
It asserts KAILASA’s status as a sovereign subject of international law, with historical recognition of its twenty-one ancient Sanatana Hindu sovereign kingdoms and its current legal standings.
At the time of the British withdrawal from India in 1947, 565 independent Hindu sovereign princely states were officially recognized in the Indian subcontinent. The Surangi Kingdom was amongst them. Even though the “Instrument of Accession” did not remove the kingdom’s sovereignty, after their land was ceded, their sovereignty was forcibly stripped. Further, the Hindu Kings of these states were corrupted by the assurance of a personal “Privy purse”, which was later unilaterally abolished, in exchange for selling out the Hindu traditions and constitutional principles. Annexation by force and corruption is illegal under international law, per various international legal frameworks and customary international laws.
5. Policy and Legislation for Women’s Empowerment:
KAILASA’s policies, such as its zero-tolerance policy against sexual harassment and exploitation, mapped to the Manuvathi Dharma Shastra are creating the safest workplace and ecosystem for women, allowing women to naturally develop into leaders. As a result, women hold 80% of leadership positions in KAILASA. While KAILASA’s policy stipulates that 33% of legislative positions should be held by women, currently, women make up 90% of the governance in KAILASA.
6. International Collaboration and Recommendations:
KAILASA calls for global cooperation to standardize norms for safeguarding women in sports. Through partnerships with international organizations, KAILASA advocates for systemic changes and offers its empowerment models as blueprints.
This report not only aims to shed light on injustices faced by Hindu women and girls in sports but also serves as a critical call to action for international bodies to adopt unified measures to protect women’s rights in athletic environments globally.
Link to KAILASA’s report on violence against women and girls in sport:
Link to UN page:
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