- 1 May 2024: The Ancient Enlightened Hindu Gurukul system of education is based on the transmission of knowledge from Guru to Disciple and tailored to the unique traits, inclinations, and DNA of the disciple.
- The Hindu Gurukul is the space where children are taught to identify their conscious aspirations and guided to achieve that, thereby ensuring academic freedom; rather than today’s system of rote learning and memorization, ‘uniformized’ across the spectrum from teacher to students.
- Unlike any other modern nation, the United States of Kailasa (USK) provides a base for the revival, preservation, and central administration of Hinduism, similar to the Vatican, which serves as a central administration hub for the Roman Catholic Church.
- The United Nations upholds KAILASA’s privileges while recognizing KAILASA’s inherited unbroken historical sovereign status as per the preamble of both the UN Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the UN Convention on Consular Relations that declares that historical “rules of customary international law continue to govern,” and confirms that “all nations from ancient times have recognized privileges and immunities” of sovereign entities of “differing constitutional and social systems” (preamble) and requires that a “state shall not discriminate as between states” including a historical form of statehood (article 47.1).
- KAILASA is a sovereign subject of international law – possessing distinctive attributes of juridical statehood derived from SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam’s inheritance of the unbroken succession and the revival of three (3) ancient Hindu sovereign states, namely the kingdoms of Surya Vamsa Surangi Samrajyam Sarvajnapeetham, Suvarnapeetha Swargapura Samrajya Sarvajnapeetham, Shyamala Peetha Sarvajnapeetham, also the Kanchi Kailasa Sarvajnapeetham and seventeen (17) sovereign Hindu ecclesiastical historical institutions, that receive customary recognition by the United Nations as per the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.
- Despite the relentless persecution, over the past 44 years, SPH’s unwavering commitment to the holistic advancement of humankind encapsulates a magnanimous mission aimed at ensuring access to education for all, eradicating poverty, protecting the environment, achieving gender equality, elevating consciousness, and fostering enlightened ecosystems across the globe.
Link to the full report:
- https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/issues/education/cfis/cfi-expression/subm-academic-freedom-cso-united-states-kailasa.docx
Link to UN OHCHR page:
- https://www.ohchr.org/en/calls-for-input/2024/call-contributions-academic-freedom-and-freedom-expression-educational
Excerpts and screenshots:
Press Contact: Press Office of the Holy See of Hinduism
Email: [email protected]
For More Information on KAILASA: https://kailaasa.org/