United Nations Publishes the 22nd Report of KAILASA, Reaffirming its Juridical Statehood for the Seventh Time
December 10, 2024

The United Nations has published the 22nd report of KAILASA, reasserting KAILASA’s status as a sovereign subject of international law, with historical recognition of its twenty-one ancient Sanatana Hindu sovereign kingdoms and its current legal standings.

This report highlights The SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam’s and KAILASA’s unwavering commitment to the preservation and revival of the ancient enlightened Sanatana Hindu civilization, and the principles of self-determination for over two billion Hindus worldwide.

The report documents the profound historical injustices endured by the Hindu community worldwide, including centuries of ethnocide and genocide, forced cultural erasure, and systemic persecution. 

It underscores the continuous violence faced by Hindus, such as the recent surge in attacks against the Hindu community in Bangladesh. 

In response, KAILASA, the First Sovereign State for Hindus, stands as a beacon of hope, providing a sanctuary where Hindus can reclaim their identity, sovereignty, and spiritual heritage.

KAILASA’s commitment to justice is enshrined in its jurisprudence that includes the Manuvadhi Dharma Shastra, Bhagavad Gita and Veda-Agamic scriptures, cosmic principles,  Hindu governance, parliament, responsible democracy and enlightened blissful living. 

It is grounded in principles of Ahimsa (non-violence), Advaita (oneness), and Vedic Feminism®. 

SPH and the state of KAILASA continue to support the rights of all individuals to enlightenment, spiritual freedom, and peaceful coexistence.

Despite facing significant opposition and persecution, including assassination attempts, false legal cases, and media attacks, SPH and KAILASA remain resolute in their mission to restore indigenous justice systems and empower Hindus globally. 

The report calls for a global commitment to transitional justice, advocating for the acknowledgment of past atrocities done to Hindus and the establishment of justice frameworks that respect cultural and spiritual heritage.

KAILASA’s unyielding efforts have earned it a rightful place in the international community, and its continued recognition is vital to the fight for justice and the preservation of ancient Hindu values.

Link to KAILASA’s report: 


Link to UN page: https://www.ohchr.org/en/calls-for-input/2024/call-inputs-ohchr-report-lessons-learned-and-good-practices-transitional

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