Nithya Kriya is a series of healing yogic processes revealed...
Akashic Readings on the Ananda Lingam
Translation: People of India, do listen. Listen well. India is the biggest spiritual land where Enlightened beings...
Revelations about COVID Vaccines from the Parashakti Akashic Readings
"Have Pfizer Corona Vaccine, Moderna Corona Vaccine, in that there is no dead virus or distorted parts of the virus....
8 Ways To Tackle COVID – Revelations from Devi Parashakti
Translation: Raising in Omkara, blossoming as Shiva Shiva, manifesting as Source of Existence, Powers of Existence,...
The SPH’s Revelations on COVID-19
“I made this statement the moment the corona pandemic started: corona is not a weapon to kill people. It is going to...
Traditional Hindu Vaccinations and Mutation Processes for Immunity – Fire Walking and Lemon Piercing
Why COVID? The Karma (Cosmic Logic) Behind the Happening
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda...
Before the COVID-19 Breakout: SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam’s Warning in 2018
"I tell you, only one thing - essence of today’s Satsang - Just be alive for next 3 years! Don’t die within next 3...