Hyderabad region, India: Weekly Annadhaan – offering of food to feed the poorer villages around the region Hyderabad
August 19, 2022

With the blessings of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JGM HDH Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, the Ishanya Project has been kicked off in August 2022, with the aim of helping people out of poverty through the recycling of good quality, unwanted Clothing, Foodstuff and Medical Equipment & Supplies.

Various Nithyananda Centers around the world have sprung into action, donating, and actively seeking donation items that are in so much need in poorer regions of the world. One such center is the Hyderabad center, which is donating foodstuff and offering Annadhaan (food offering) to the poorer villages around the Hyderabad region every weekend.

Annadhaan is a Sanskrit term, from ‘Annam’ meaning food, and ‘Daanam’ meaning donate. Annadhaan, an essential part of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, is considered ‘Mahadhan’, the greatest donation possible, and is an integral part of the Ishanya Project.

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