Administrative Directive 10117 of September 29, 2021
By the authority vested in me as The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism and the Head of the Ancient Enlightened Hindu Civilizational Nation, the Kailasa, by the Constitution and the laws of Sanatana Hindu Dharma as ordained by Paramaśiva in Vedas and Agamas, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Background:
In KAILASA’s Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temples, the deities are energized through the sacred process of prana prathista where life energy is breathed into matter. These energized deities become an independent intelligence, a direct vehicle of the Divine cosmic energy capable of answering prayers, healing ailments and granting boons. Everyday thousands around the world are witnessing the powers of prana pratishtha in these living deities of KAILASA’s Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temples. The living deities are offered ’Ūpacaras’- services as per Vedāgamas to celebrate their presence in our lives. Neiveithyams are the offering of food to the divine that forms part of the ’Ūpacaras’ or Services. The deity is revered as a living entity who is offered food, fruits etc. among others and is an ultimate blessing to be able to partake a morsel of the Naivedhyam.
अपूपकाद्यं यद्द्रव्यं भोज्यं दत्वा शिवस्य तु|
वर्धते तस्य तद्धान्यं फलपुष्पादयस्तथा||
अदत्वा तु हरस्याथ भुक्तं तत्क्षीयते धनम्|
अल्पे महति वा तुल्यं फलमाढ्य दरिद्रयोः||apūpakādyaṁ yaddravyaṁ bhojyaṁ datvā śivasya tu|
vardhate tasya taddhānyaṁ phalapuṣpādayastathā||
adatvā tu harasyātha bhuktaṁ tatkṣīyate dhanam|
alpe mahati vā tulyaṁ phalamāḍhya daridrayoḥ||If those items such as the sweets and eatables , grains, fruits and such other materials and those which are to be used by the sadhaka are first offered to Siva and then used by him, then all those kinds of items would be flourishing well. The wealth enjoyed by the sadhaka without being offered to Siva would decay. For both the affluent persons and the poor persons, the fruit is the same irrespective of the smallness or greatness of the offered thing.
Srimad Kamika Agama, Purva Pada, 6.3-4
Section 2. Policy:
‘Perur Purāṇam’, compiled by Arul Thiru Kachiyapper Munivar (1740 – 1790 CE), enlightened being who lived in Ekambareswarar Temple, Kancheepuram details about uttamottama (the best of the best) neiveithyam called ‘Paramānnam’ to Bhagavan Paramaśiva.
பால்புைரயு ம¾சிெயாரு படிக்குப்பால் படிமூன்று
Perur Purāṇam of Kachiyapper Munivar of 14 Padalam, Maruthavarai Padalam Verse 41 and 42
சால்பசுெநய் படிகால்சர்க் கைரகழஞ்ெசண் பதிற்றிரட்டி
ஏலெமாடு சுக்கிடித்த விடிவசம்ீ படியிரதங்
காலுமுய ¾ளந்ெதங்கின் கனிெயான்று முறப்ெபய்து. 41
பாகமுறச் சைமத்ததற்பின் பசுங்கதலிக் கனிபதிைனந்
ேதாைகெயாடுந் ேதாெலாருவி ெயாருங்குபடுத் தினிெதடுத்த
மாகர்விைழ பரமானம் வயங்கவருச் சித்தவுடன்
ஏகனுக்கு நிேவதிக்க விதுநிேவ தனமாமால். 42
Method to prepare Paramānnam is as follows:
Standard of Measurement
- 1 padi is 1.25 Kg
- 1 Kaḻancu is 1/6 Troy Ounce, which is 5.18 g
- Rice – 1 Padi, 1.25 Kg
- Milk – 3 Padi, 3.75 L
- Ghee (Clarified Butter) – ¼ Padi, 0.31 Kg
- Brown Sugar – 160 Kaḻancu, 830 g
- A pinch of Ellaka (Cardamom powder) and Sukku (Dry ginger powder ) for seasoning A Fresh and succulent Coconut in the grated form.
- Green Bananas – 15 in number , Peeled and Chopped in considerable size.
Method of preparation
- Boil the milk and rice along with the brown sugar. Once the rice is thoroughly cooked, the sweetness will emanate from the pot. Add the freshly grated coconut and the seasonings of Ellaka (Cardamom Powder) and Sukku (Dry Ginger Powder).
- Allow the pot to final boil
- Finally add chopped green bananas into the pot until it becomes tender.
The preparation is ready to be offered as Naivedhyam to Bhagavan Nithyanandeshwara Paramaśiva. Offer the Naivedhyam by clapping your right hand index finger and middle finger on the left hand palm while you chant the following mantra:
औं हः अस्त्राय फट् । auṁ haḥ astrāya phaṭ ।
Now sprinkle some water on the Naivedhyam pātram ringing the bell and chant the mantra:
औं हाम् हृदयाय नमः। auṁ hām hṛdayāya namaḥ ।
Now take a uddharani of water and hover it clockwise over the Naivedhyam. Please chant the mantra and sound the bell as you do so.
मधु वाता ऋतायते मधुक्षरन्ति सिन्धवः। माध्वीर्नः सन्त्वौषधीः॥
मधु नक्तमुतोषसि मधुमत्पार्थिवँ रजः। मधुद्यौरस्तु न पिता॥
मधुमान्नो वनस्पतिर्मधुमाँ अस्तु सूर्यः। माध्वीर्गावो भवन्तु नः॥
मधु मधु मधु
madhu vātā ṛtāyate madhukṣaranti sindhavaḥ|mādhvīrnaḥ santvauṣadhīḥ||
madhu naktamutoṣasi madhumatpārthivamrajaḥ|madhudyaurastu na pitā||
madhumānno vanaspatirmadhumān astu sūryaḥ| mādhvīrgāvo bhavantu naḥ||
Madhu madhu madhu
For us, who are the devotees of the Supreme Truth, May the winds blow sweetly. May the rivers flow sweetly. May the herbs be to us sweet and beneficial. May there be sweetness during the day and during the night. May the particles of the earth be carrying sweetness for ever. May the heaven, our father, be sweet to us(be benevolent to us). May the fruit-bearing trees be sweet to us May the sun be sweet and benevolent to us. May the cows give us the sweetest milk
औं हां हौं शिवाय नमः॥
auṁ hāṃ hauṃ śivāya namaḥ ॥
श्री नित्यानन्देश्वरी पराशक्ति समेत श्री नित्यानन्देश्वर-परमशिवाय नमः नैवेद्यं निवेदयामि ॥
śrī nityānandeśvarī pārāśakti sameta śrī nityānandeśvara-paramaśivāya namaḥ naivedyaṃ nivedayāmi ॥
Section 3. Agency Roles and Responsibilities:
The following assignments of responsibility shall be exercised in furtherance of the policy described in section 1 of this order:
KAILASA’s de facto spiritual embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities, including all Hindu Temples, Monasteries, Satsang Temples, Pādukā Mandirs shall abide by this authentic procedure of offering sacred Naivedhyam to Lord Paramaśiva.
(i) KAILASA’s Department of Religious and Worship in collaboration with Shrikailasa Uniting Nations for Consciousness Studies and Practice with applicable law shall ensure the implementation of offering Paramānnam in compliance with the procedures outlined in ‘Perur Purāṇam’ in all KAILASA’s Madapalli (Royal Kitchen for the Divine) at all KAILASA’s Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temples around the world.
(ii) KAILASA Department of Education in conjunction with ShriKailasa Uniting Nations for Ancient Rituals consistent with applicable law shall provide recipe manuals and training material to all its faculties
(iii) KAILASA’s Department of Information and Broadcasting, and such representatives of other executive departments, agencies, and offices consistent with applicable law shall proliferate and promulgate Paramānnam making procedure on all social media platforms to share this sacred knowledge to all living and practising Hindus.
Section 4. Establishment of KAILASA Department of Religious and Worship:
Working Group is hereby established to facilitate an “all-of-government” effort to proliferate this Sacred knowledge of Preparing Naivedhyam as per the Perur Purāṇam. The Working Group co-chaired by the KAILASA’s Department of Education, his designee, and Shrikailasa Uniting Nations for Consciousness Studies and Practice or his designee, KAILASA’s Department of Information and Broadcasting or his designee . Working Group members shall be composed of representatives from the Department of Ministry of Sovereign, the Department of Enlightened Civilization, the Department of Information Broadcasting, the Department of Treasury, and such representatives of other executive departments, agencies, and offices as the Co-Chairs may, from time to time, designate the concurrence of the head of the department, agency, or office concerned. All Working Group members shall be full-time or permanent part-time, officers or subjects of the Federal Government of Kailasa.
Section 5. Responsibilities of the KAILASA Department of Religious and Worship Working Group:
Within 24 hours of this order’s date, the Working Group shall develop and submit to the Supreme Pontiff a report that outlines a plan for service coordination between all relevant stakeholders and executive departments and agencies (agencies) to provide Hindus the right to sattvic and nutritious food.
Section 6. General Provisions:
Nothing in this order is construed to impair or otherwise affect; the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or the Director of the Office of Management and Budget functions relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals. This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against KAILASA, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, volunteers, or any other person, or against any nation’s integrity or laws.
View the Administrative Order: PDF