The direct, ultimate authority on the Truth as it is, for it is directly from Paramashiva, the Adiguru, the Source of all that is.

श्रीमहाविष्णु सच्चिदानन्दलक्षणं रामचन्द्रं दृष्ट्वा सर्वाङ्गसुन्दरं मुनयो वनवासिनो विस्मिता बभूवुः ।तं होचुर्नोऽवद्यमवतारान्वै गण्यन्ते आलिङ्गामो भवन्तमिति ।भवान्तरे कृष्णावतारे यूयं गोपिका भूत्वा मामालिङ्गथ अन्ये येऽवतारास्ते हि गोपा नः स्त्रीश्च नो कुरु।अन्योन्यविग्रहं धार्यं तवाङ्गस्पर्शनादिह। शश्वत्स्पर्शयितास्माकं गृह्णीमोऽवतारान्वयम्॥

śrīmahāviṣṇu saccidānandalakṣaṇaṃ rāmacandraṃ dṛṣṭvā sarvāṅgasundaraṃ munayo vanavāsino vismitā babhūvuḥ ।taṃ hocurno’vadyamavatārānvai gaṇyante āliṅgāmo bhavantamiti ।bhavāntare kṛṣṇāvatāre yūyaṃ gopikā bhūtvā māmāliṅgatha anye ye’vatārāste hi gopā naḥ strīśca no kuru।anyonyavigrahaṃ dhāryaṃ tavāṅgasparśanādiha। śaśvatsparśayitāsmākaṃ gṛhṇīmo’vatārānvayam॥

सर्वांग सुन्दर, सच्चिदानन्द स्वरूप, महाविष्णु (के अवतारी) श्री रामचन्द्र जी को देखकर वनवासी मुनिगण बड़े आश्चर्यचकित हुए। (उन्हें धरती पर अवतरित होने के लिए ब्रह्मा जी का आदेश होने पर) ऋषियों ने उनसे (राम से) कहा- हम सब (धरती पर) अवतरित होने को अच्छा नहीं मानते हैं। हम आपका आलिंगन (अत्यधिक निकटता) चाहते हैं।(भगवान ने कहा-हमारे ) अन्य अवतार-कृष्णावतार में तुम सभी गोपिका बनकर मेरा आलिंगन (अतिसंन्निकटता) प्राप्त करो। (ऋषियों ने पुनः कहा- हमारे) जो अन्य अवतार हों, (उनमें) हमें गोप-गोपिका बना दें। आपका सान्निध्य प्राप्त करने की स्थिति में हमें ऐसा शरीर (गोपिका आदि) धारण करना स्वीकार्य है, जो आपका स्पर्श सुख प्रदान कर सके। रुद्र आदि सभी देवों को यह स्नेहयुक्त प्रार्थना सुनकर स्वयं आदि पुरुष भगवान् ने कहा-हे देवो! मैं अपने अंग-अवयवों के स्पर्श का अवसर तुम्हें निश्चित रूप से प्रदान करता रहूँगा। मैं तुम्हारी इच्छा को अवश्य पूर्ण करूंगा ॥

Krishna Upanishad, Verse – 1

Experiences & results of Āptas or Authorities of Hinduism, the Vedic Rishis and scientists who time tested & verified the science.

सर्वस्य चाहं हृदि सन्निविष्टो मत्त: स्मृतिर्ज्ञानमपोहनं च |
वेदैश्च सर्वैरहमेव वेद्यो वेदान्तकृद्वेदविदेव चाहम् || 15||

sarvasya cāhaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭo mattaḥ smṛtir jñānam apohanaṁ ca |
vedaiśca sarvairahameva vedyo vedānta-kṛd vedavid eva cāham ||

I am seated in everyone’s heart and from Me came memory, knowledge and their loss. I am known by the Vedas; indeed, I am the Creator of Vedānta and I am the knower of the Vedas.

Śrīmadbhagavad‌ Gītā, Chapter – 15, verse 15

An account of The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam, the ultimate poorna Avatar personal experience of Shraddha.

I was traveling in Gujarat. I always remember that elderly lady and respect her. I can say this lady is surely lived in the same consciousness as gopikas or the Krishna’s angadevatas, the Krishna’s Divine companions.

She invited me, “Baba come and stay in my house.” It was a small hut, she was having a one cow and small patch of land in front of her hut. Every night she will bring the food and keep it in front of that Krishna and she will start talking. She will talk as if she’s talking to somebody, she will sit casually and have a small fan. The hand fan, she will fan that Krishna Deity and she will tell alright, please eat. She will be going on talking, maybe for half an hour or one hour. Then she will eat that food and lie down, give me also little food and after a one week I said, alright Ma I’m leaving, I’m continuing my journey. She started crying, “No, no, no why do you want to go, I will not ask you to work and all, stay here. I’ll give you food and why do you wanted to go?” I said, no, no I am a sadhu, I have to continue my journey.

She ran to that Krishna and she started telling, “Oh, tell him not to go. I’m so happy that he was here. You only should tell him that not to go” and she started speaking. Then within few seconds, the very funny thing. She stopped talking and wiped her tears and said, “Oh you are telling he has to go. He’s a sadhu he has to go, okay, okay, if you are telling the okay then I will not worry, I will not cry.” She consoled herself as if Krishna is talking back. This is too much. All these days, she was talking to Krishna, okay I can put up with that. And Krishna talking back or she acting as if Krishna talking back is too much.

I went near her and said, “Mata, mataji, you are praying to Krishna that is okay, but what you are talking as if He is talking back to you? It’s all illusion you should come out of it.” You should eat healthy food and stay healthy to come out of all these.” And, she was so innocent, she said, “No, No, Baba, I’m not lying, don’t you see He’s sitting?” And she just held my hand.

I promise I saw Krishna there. He was sitting there. Just a simple child. I tell you. With what intensity you see me now, I promise at least deeper intensity than that I have seen Krishna there. He was there! Just small baby as He was described in Bhagavatha, with a small flute in the hand and putting His hand, head like this in the, on the face, very innocently with a peacock feather all the uncleaned hair and very dirty mouth, all that food was there on the mouth and unwiped and just that small little baby, He was there!

The Presidential Adress by SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Parashivam 12th Nov, 2007

The evidence of the experiences and sharings of the people who directly experience the Pramaṇas as applied reality in their lives.

Lu Ann Tung from USA shares how she made money to retire after she asked SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam for a boon during the Pratyaksha Pada Puja offering.

Lu Ann Tung

Business Owner, USA

Pei Ling Xao from Norway shares her experience of offering Pratyaksha Pada Puja and the surprise healing miracle she and her family experienced.

Pei Ling Xao


Anupama Deshpande (Ma Nithya Shivarupananda) from Singapore shares how she first met SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam and why one needs a Guru.

Anupama Deshpande


Krishna Janmashtami 2023

Celebrate Krishna Janmashtami With The Avatar

Krishna Janmashtami celebrates the birth of Sri Krishna, one of the greatest incarnations of Paramashiva, the embodiment of Divine Love. Bhagavan Krishna’s entire life and His message can be epitomized in one word: “celebration.” Come, and celebrate the auspicious day of His happening.

Bhagavan Krishna manifested as an intense life. Life expressed in the body as ever youthful, expressed in intellect as an amazing strategist, expressed in emotion as a most beautiful pure romance, amazing artistic expression. Even when Bhagavan was teaching the greatest truths, it was done in a very poetic form. His book is called Song – Gita, because it is more poetic than anything else. Singer, dancer, musician, strategist. A beloved for everyone.

Knowing Krishna, loving Krishna, being Krishna, and celebrating Krishna, is the greatest gift we can receive from Krishna. in one line – Krishna bhakti! When you are in romance with Krishna, everyone around you feels you are Krishna. Krishna bhakti internally keeps you in Dvaita but externally everyone feels you’re in Advaita with Krishna.

This Krishna Janmashtami let us all come together and manifest Paramashiva through love.

Seva Schedule

On this auspicious day of Krishna Janmasthami KAILASAs around the world are celebrating with most authentic and vibrant rituals from the source scriptures, the VedaAgamas, of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. The SPH Bhagavan Nithyanandam Paramashivam, personally micromanages and officiates all grand festivities in all KAILASA’s Temples, and ensuring to adhere to the spiritual injunctions from the VedaAgamas of Santana Hindu Dharma.


Event Cost Time/EST Time/IST
Churnabhishekam for THE SPH $1,008.00

11:00 AM ET August 25th

8:30 PM IST August 25th

Pratyaksha Pada Puja, Archana and Maha Arati $1,008.00

8:30 PM IST August 26th

11:00 AM ET August 26th

Navaeeta Tulabharam $10,008.00 10:00 PM IST August 26th 12:30 PM ET August 26th
Uttamottama Seva $1,008.00 10:00 PM IST August 26th 12:30 PM ET August 26th
Alankara Seva to THE SPH as Sri Krishna $1,008.00 12:00 AM IST August 27th 2:30 PM ET August 26th,
Krishna Special Naivedhya Seva $1,008.00 12:00 AM IST August 27th 2:30 PM ET August 26th,


Ritualistic Offering of Navaneeta Tulabharam

The sacred ancient ritual of the Tulabharam has its roots in the life of Sri Krishna and His wives. His wife Satyabama always wanted Krishna all for herself, whereas Rukmini always needed Krishna for her rituals or philanthrophy. Satyabhama desired that Krishna should always be with her and requested Narada Muni for a solution. Narada suggested a Vrata to be performed by Satyabhama in which Krishna would given as a Daana to a Maharishi. Not agreeing to give away Krishna as Daana, Narada suggests to Satyabhama to give Daana of gold equal to that of Krishna’s weight. Satyabhama delightfully agrees and boasts that she could offer gold Daana of a 1000 Krishna’s with the amount of gold that she possesses.

When the ritual commences, Satyabhama is unable to equate Krishna’s weight on the Tulabharam (weighing scale). As a result of this, Satyabhama has to give up Krishna, and Narada takes Him away, singing and celebrating about Krishna being his. Satyabhama goes to Narada crestfallen, and asks where she went wrong – why the Tulabharam didn’t move no matter how much gold she kept.

Narada then says that Krishna is not just a mere body which can be keep with oneself all your life, Krishna is Parandhama, the Cosmos itself – the Supreme Being! No phsycial object can outweigh such a mass. Parandhama comes down and manifests in the world only when moved by the devotion of the devotee.

He the reveals that only Rukmini sees Krishna for who He really is, and that only her devotion can move Him. Satyabhama realizes her mistake and understands who Krishna really is and apologizes to Rukmini for desiring to keep Him for herself. She requests Rukmini to do something so they can both have Krishna back from Narada.

Krishna again sits on the Tulabharam scale, with Rukmini on the other side knowing the omniscience of Krishna, knowing that a prayerful offering of a single Tulasi leaf can bring all of Krishna to oneself.

She places a single Tulasi leaf on the empty side of the Tulabharam and Krishna’s side of the scale lifts!

and in their mind only remembering Krishna alone, Krishna didn’t just earn the name Navaeeta Chora – the one who steals butter, but also the name Chitta Chora – the one who possesses and takes away your consciousness itself replacing it only with Him.

The Gopikas spent hours of physical labor churning butter, and did all of this for one single truth  – to experience again and again Krishna coming into their home and eating the butter they made, for Bhagavan to come as a child and have their food. That devotion, that simple love, that reverence for one’s Guru to manifest again and again in one’s life is the sacred sentiment we celebrate on Krishna Janmashtami.

Navaneetha is butter, which is significant to Krishna Bhagavan. As a small child He had brought tremendous prosperity in his hometown of Brindavanam, when His divine plays of stealing butter inspired all the women in the homes to churn out butter everyday, and pray that the Boy Krishna would come and steal the butter from their homes. This way He captured the hearts of all of the citizens of his hometown, and brought the whole Brindavanam to become the largest production of milk, curds, butter, and ghee in the whole land. Bringing about tremendous prosperity and abundance through His very leela. 

Embrace the celestial grace of this Krishna Janmashtami, a time when the very heavens seem to descend upon our earthly realm. In a grand gesture of devotion, we come forward to perform the Navaneetha Tulabharam, presenting the essence of our toil and labor as an offering to the divine.

As the golden butter – the result of our hard work and dedication – is gently heaped upon the divine scale, our hearts melt in profound devotion. The weight of our offerings is not merely measured in physical terms but resonates with the purity of our love, devotion, and commitment.

In this sacred ritual, we unlock the doors to boundless blessings, each more magnificent than the last: (Benefits)

  • Abundant Prosperity showers upon us, filling our lives with opulence and abundance, allowing us to tread the path of prosperity with confidence and grace.
  • Radiant Health infuses our beings, bestowing vitality and well-being, a precious gift that empowers us to seize life’s opportunities with unwavering strength.
  • Dynamic Relationships flourish as we are enveloped in the divine’s love and grace. Our connections with others are deepened and enriched, fostering harmony and growth in our interpersonal bonds.

Krishna Janmashtami is not just a celebration; it is a divine communion. As we offer our labours, our devotion ignites, and the blessings we receive become a testament to the infinite abundance that flows through the divine realm into our lives. It is a moment of profound significance, a sacred journey of the soul, an epic chapter in our spiritual quest.

As the Gopikas did for Krishna, on this ocassion devotees from all over the world will be offering the Navaneeta Butter Tulabharam at the Divine lotus feet of our beloved Guru SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam.

Offer Pratyaksha Pada Puja To The Avatar

Pratyaksha Pada Puja to the Avatar is an opportunity to be in His presence (energy field) to soak in the bliss, peace and joy that is Him. The Avatar is a storehouse of Cosmic energy who is constantly radiating it to the world. Soaking in his energy field during the Puja leads one to the ultimate experience of body, mind and spirit to the Divine.

The highest wealth you can acquire, while you are in the human body is Embodied States of Consciousness, Bhava Samadhi. Embodying Consciousness means your length, breadth, depth, is filled by that one Bhava. Your length, breadth, depth radiates, vibrates with that one Consciousness – sometimes bhakti (devotion), love, sometimes Paramashivoham (I am Paramashiva); sometimes the Shuddhadvaita Anubhuti (cognitive experience of Pure Oneness with everything). When you embody Consciousness, that becomes reality.

Puja is embodying bhakti consciousness, chit gana anubhava samadhi of bhakti, surrender, devotion, and dropping all the incompletions from the head. Embodying different states of consciousness is the purpose of all spiritual practices.

Pratyaksha Pada Puja is a mark of gratitude for the health, wealth, energy and transformation experienced in one’s life through His blessings and His presence. It is a once-in-many-lifetimes opportunity to be able to offer Pratyaksha Pada Puja to a living incarnation.

Unveil Blessings for: (Benefits)

– Boundless Joy in Relationships

– Overflowing Prosperity and Abundance

– Profound Spiritual Awakening


Offer Churnabhishekam To THE SPH

Reviving the rituals from the Vaishnava Agama of Paancharatra, KAILASA around will be offering the Maha Abhishekam in a grand and authentic way. 

The Ritual includes 

  • Shodasopacharya Puja – elaborate offerings specially prepared for Lord Krishna.
  • Mahabishekam – magnificent and rare offerings for Lord Krishna’s Sacred Bath.
  • Deeparathana – spectacular lamps offering melodious Krishna songs.

 “This Janmashtami, go beyond the ordinary and experience the extraordinary – Become a sponsor for Krishna Abhishekam and witness the miracles unfold in your life!”

~ Benefits ~

Offer the Sri Krishna Maha Abhishekam and recieve the blessings for 

  • Karmic Cleansing to rejuvenate one’s mind and bodies to cleanse one’s karma and remove obstacles.
  • Powerful decision-making and receiving divine guidance fromlife for clarity on important life choices.
  • Deeper connection with the divine, aiming to strengthen their spirituality and experience a sense of oneness with the divine presence


Image Gallery From Kṛṣṇa Janmāṣṭamī

Learn More About Kṛṣṇa Janmāṣṭamī

How I had the Darshan of Krishna!

And she just held my hand. I promise I saw Krishna there. He was sitting there. Just a simple child. I tell you. With what intensity you see me now, I promise at least deeper intensity than that I have seen Krishna there.

Meaning & Context of karmanye vadhikaraste

When Krishna says, “karmaṇyevādhikāraste mā phaleṣu kadācana” – he tells you to be grounded, excellence based. You should think: “forget about what is a success. Let me move to excellence.

The essence of Krishna’s life, message, and legacy

The essence of Krishna’s life, message, and legacy is life! Intense life! It is expressed as health, beauty, grandeur, romance, knowledge, responsibility, and power in multiple dimensions, in multiple ways, but life. Intense life.

Music For Kṛṣṇa Janmāṣṭamī

Panduranga Jaya Vittale

Krishna Mukunda Murare

Adharam Madhuram

Learn About Shri  Kṛṣṇa

Krishna: The Full Incarnation

Krishna is one who appeals to all kinds of human beings. For the intellectuals, He is Gita Krishna, for the emotional, he is Radha Krishna and for the being level, He has offered the Dhyana Yoga.

Krishna Consciousness

An Avatar can only exhibit compassion but not romance, Krishna is the only Avatar who exhibited romance and not just compassion.

Importance of Realizing a Guru

Krishna gives pure intellectual understandings at one hand as Geeta Krishna and then pure romance at the other as Radha Krishna.

Books on Bhagavad Gita 

Bhagavad Gita Demystified

In this book, SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam demystifies the Gita in the language of here and now. He explains it relevant to the modern man. He shows how it can lead to blissful living in today’s world. He assures the sincere seeker, the Supreme Experience, described by Krishna.

Bhagavad Gita Decoded

Bhagavad Gītā Decoded book is not a commentary or a modern interpretation on the Bhagavad Gītā. It is the re-speaking, the revival of the supreme secret of the Gītā. To read this book is to obtain an insight that is rare. It is not mere reading; it is an experience; it is meditation.

Bhagavad Gita Tamil

உங்கள் வாழ்வென்னும் யுத்தத்தின் உண்மையான வெற்றி என்பது, தர்மத்தின் வெற்றி என்பது… உங்களுடைய சுபாவமான “ஜீவன்முக்த நிலையை – மனத்தின் ‘குறைவுணர்வு’ நிலையான அதர்மத்தி=டமிருந்து மீட்டெடுப்பதே.

Glimpses From Previous Kṛṣṇa Janmāṣṭamī

Aug 30, 2021

“Celebration” is the essence of Krishna’s life and message

The greatest happening that happened, is happening and will happen, in the cosmos is Krishna! The word, “Celebration” is the essence of His life and message.

He is so much in love with life, in romance with the cosmos; nothing ever even occurred to Him as pain, He never occurred as pain to anything; everything was just celebration, celebration, and celebration.

On this auspicious day of Krishna Janashtami decide to give vacation to your mind and celebrate every dimension of your life. Reclaim your conscious sovereignty just through intensely celebrating Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

“Celebration” is the essence of Krishna’s life and message

Aug 11, 2020

Krishna – The Greatest Gift and Blessing | Special Krishna Janmashtami Message!

Krishna is the greatest blessing, gift we can receive from Krishna! The kind of charismatic personality he is! The kind of extraordinary charisma he manifested!

knowing Krishna, loving krishna, being Krishna, celebrating Krishna, is the greatest gift we can receive from Krishna. in one line – Krishna bhakti!

When you are in romance with Krishna, everyone around you feels you are Krishna. Krishna bhakti internally keeps you in dvaita but externally everyone feels you’re in advaita with Krishna.

Krishna – The Greatest Gift and Blessing | Special Krishna Janmashtami Message!

Aug 14, 2017

Krishna’s Life, Legacy, Message – Intense Life

Krishna! If I have to put in one word, the life, legacy, message of Krishna – I’ll use the word “life!” Just intense life! It expressed in body as ever youthful … healthy person. It expressed in intellect as amazing strategist. It expressed in emotion as a most beautiful pure romance. It expressed … in the dimension of length – the knowledge; the dimension of breadth – amazing artistic expression. Even when he is teaching the greatest truths, it was done in a very poetic form. His book is called Song – Gita, because it is more poetic than anything else. Singer, dancer, musician, strategist. A beloved for everyone.

Krishna’s Life, Legacy, Message – Intense Life