KAILASA extiende su apoyo y solidaridad con las naciones de todo el mundo durante esta difícil situación de la pandemia COVID-19

ShriKailasa, la única nación hindú del mundo, extiende su apoyo y solidaridad a la comunidad internacional durante esta difícil situación de la pandemia COVID-19.  En un momento en el que aplanar la curva es la máxima prioridad de todos, el Supremo Pontífice de ShriKailasa, Su Divina Santidad Nithyananda Paramashivam, declaró la excepcional fuerza de ShriKailasa, su responsabilidad espiritual para aliviar a la humanidad de las dificultades que enfrenta. 

El COVID-19, que se originó en China en diciembre de 2019, se está extendiendo rápidamente con más de 500.000 casos confirmados y 23.000 muertes hasta la fecha, afectando a alrededor de 170 países y territorios de todo el mundo en sólo 3 meses. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) lo ha declarado, como una “emergencia de salud pública de interés internacional” y lo ha designado oficialmente como una pandemia. Varias ciudades importantes de China, los Estados Unidos e Italia se encuentran bajo cierre total y muchos otros países están tomando medidas de emergencia que incluyen restricciones de viaje, cuarentenas, racionamiento, etc. debido al temor de la rápida propagación de la pandemia.  

Enviamos nuestras más profundas oraciones a los ciudadanos de todas las naciones en este momento crucial y desafiante de la pandemia COVID-19 que ha detenido al mundo entero. 

La Nación de ShriKailasa extiende su mano amiga para unirse a todas las naciones alrededor del mundo en sus esfuerzos para luchar contra COVID-19. 

Siendo la única nación hindú, es la responsabilidad dhármica de ShriKailasa ofrecer nuestros humildes servicios – las probadas y antiguas soluciones auténticas de los Vedagamas, las antiguas escrituras hindúes. Los beneficios inmediatos de prácticas como la meditación, el yoga, la sanación espiritual, la oración, el canto de versos sagrados, el ayuno, los antiguos remedios ayurvédicos de desintoxicación como el jugo de neem, el agua caliente de cúrcuma, etc., escuchar los discursos que imparten el jñana y vijnana de Paramashiva (el conocimiento y la ciencia superconsciente supremos) que hemos estado enseñando durante los últimos veinte años y que conducen a la salud consciente suprema, que junto con la salud mental y emocional, fortalece el sistema inmunológico de nuestro cuerpo y la salud física en general. El uso de estas técnicas espirituales en paralelo con todas las medidas convencionales que las naciones ya han emprendido, sin duda ayudará a su país y a sus ciudadanos a hacer frente a esta difícil situación.

ShriKailasa está dispuesto a asesorar y apoyar al gobierno de cualquier país más adelante y a acoger sesiones en vivo para grupos de personas interesadas, según se solicite. También ofrecemos las directrices del coronavirus del Supremo Pontífice hechas para las embajadas espirituales de ShriKailasa para que todas las naciones del mundo las incorporen: http://health.gov.kailasa.sk/guidelines-for-coronavirus-prevention/

ShriKailasa y su Supremo Pontífice, Su Divina Santidad Nithyananda Paramashivam, desde el 13 de marzo, siguen un régimen espiritual de 28 días que incluye vratha (ayuno hindú), meditación, canto de mantras sagrados en sánscrito, vida higiénica y distanciamiento social llamado Pacchai Pattini Vratham. Pacchai Pattini Vratham se practica en el hinduismo como un método de limpieza, introspección, oración y meditación. Su Divina Santidad invitó a sus millones de seguidores en todo el mundo a unirse a Él en esta iniciativa para proteger y curar al mundo de los COVID-19 utilizando métodos orgánicos tradicionales y poderosos según las antiguas escrituras hindúes.

En unidad, solidaridad y oración 


New Indian Express publishes false and defamatory statements about Nithyananda’s response to Coronavirus

Montclair (March 19, 2020) – In its latest article about His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam’s comments about coronavirus, the New Indian Express engages in the sensationalism and fake news so typical of the press in India. The Indian media has long been known to be among the most corrupt, biased and unreliable press institutions in the world. The World Economic Forum has published findings demonstrating that the press is the least trusted institution within India. The vast majority of Indian media companies are owned by a handful of politically-connected families and are known for rampant corruption, bias, paid news and sexual misconduct within their organizations. It is no wonder why mainstream journalists are widely referred to as ‘presstitutes’ in India because of their reputation for false allegations and misconduct.

The New Indian Express continues Indian media’s long tradition of fake news when it published a story this week claiming that His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam had said that he pioneered the practice of ‘social distancing’ by going into self-isolation. That statement is completely fabricated and ignores the sincere efforts being made by His Divine Holiness to mitigate the coronavirus crisis.

In yet a new low for Indian journalism the New Indian Express based its report on a fake tweet published by @SriKailashPMO on Twitter:

The Twitter handle @SriKailashPMO was created in December 2019 and is clearly a fake account that is in violation of Twitter prohibitions against impersonation. The account states its location as “Ecuador, Brazil” (which is not an actual place) and the account spells “Kailaash” differently from official Sri Kailasa channels.  Moreover, His Divine Holiness has operated an official Twitter account at @SriNithyananda since 2012. These are basic facts that could have been verified by any competent journalist but India’s press operates without any journalistic standards and they never let the facts get in the way of a juicy story, however baseless. Twitter officials have been notified of the fraudulent account and an investigation is currently underway.

It comes as no surprise that New Indian Express would publish false quotes to generate clicks. The New Indian Express’ editor-in-chief GS Vasu has been accused of being a sexual predator by no fewer than five women who bravely came forward with stories of sexual misconduct at the hands of Mr. Vasu. The multiple credible allegations against GS Vasu caused another New Indian Express editor, Vikram Sharma, to resign and come forward as a whistle-blower and reveal that Vasu and The New Indian Express routinely published fake news stories for political favors. The shocking behavior by the New Indian Express and its editor-in-chief, GS Vasu, gives the term ‘presstitute’ new relevance.

His Divine Holiness, Founder of ShriKailasa, the greatest  HINDU Nation, is working diligently to eliminate coronavirus and announced a 28-day spiritual regimen involving vratha (Hindu fasting), meditation, chanting of sacred sound of Mahavakya, hygienic living, and social distancing called Pacchai Pattini Vratham, which is practiced in India as a method of cleansing, introspection, prayer, and meditation. His Divine Holiness requested his 30 million followers worldwide to participate in this event (which he will join as well) to heal the world from the effects of COVID-19. These divine revelations are freely broadcast across multiple channels every day at 7 am IST to an audience of millions across the globe. It is SHRIKAILASA’s dharmic responsibility to find spiritual solutions for all the world’s problems. This program of intense prayer and fasting for 28 days to heal the world of COVID-19, is part of SHRIKAILASA’s larger initiative for world peace and health (for more info – http://health.gov.kailasa.sk/heal-from-coronavirus/).

We request anti-Hindu media not to hurt the religious sentiments of a billion Hindus for whom the sacred call of healing the world through personal tyaga (sacrifice ) is one of the highest ideals of human existence.

KAILASA extends its support and solidarity with nations worldwide during this daunting time of the COVID-19 pandemic

ShriKailasa, the world’s only Hindu nation, extends its support and solidarity to the international community during this daunting time of the COVID-19 pandemic.  At a time when flattening the curve is everyone’s utmost priority, the Supreme Pontiff of ShriKailasa, His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam, declared ShriKailasa’s very own exceptional strength – its spiritual responsibility to heal mankind of ailments it faces. 

The COVID-19, which originated from China in December 2019, is spreading fast with more than 500,000 confirmed cases and 23000 deaths to date, affecting around 170 countries and territories around the world in just 3 months. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared it, as a “public health emergency of international concern” and officially designated it as a pandemic. Several major cities of China, the United States, and Italy are under complete lockdown and many other countries are taking emergency measures including travel restrictions, quarantines, rationing, etc.  due to the fear of the rapidly spreading pandemic.  

We send our deepest prayers to the citizens of all nations in this crucial and challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic that has brought the whole world to a halt. 

The Nation of ShriKailasa extends its helping hand to unite with all the nations around the globe in their efforts to fight against COVID-19. 

Being the only Hindu nation, it is ShriKailasa’s dharmic responsibility to offer our humble services – the time tested, age-old authentic solutions from the Vedagamas, the ancient Hindu scriptures. The immediate benefits of practices like meditation, yoga, spiritual healing, prayer, chanting of sacred verses, fasting, ancient ayurvedic detoxification remedies such as neem juice, hot turmeric water, etc, listening to discourses imparting the Paramashiva jnana and vijnana (ultimate superconscious knowledge and science) which we have been teaching for the last twenty years leading to supreme conscious health, which along with mental and emotional health, strengthens our body’s immune system and overall physical health. The use of these spiritual techniques in parallel with all the conventional measures that nations have already undertaken will certainly help your country and its citizens to deal with this challenging situation. 

ShriKailasa is willing to advise and support any countries’ government further and host live sessions for interested groups of individuals as requested. We also offer the Supreme Pontiff’s coronavirus guidelines made for spiritual embassies of ShriKailasa to all the nations of the world to incorporate: http://health.gov.kailasa.sk/guidelines-for-coronavirus-prevention/

ShriKailasa and its Supreme Pontiff, His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam, since March 13th, follow a 28-day spiritual regimen involving vratha (Hindu fasting), meditation, chanting of sacred Sanskrit mantras, hygienic living, and social distancing called Pacchai Pattini Vratham. Pacchai Pattini Vratham is practiced in Hinduism as a method of cleansing, introspection, prayer, and meditation. His Divine Holiness invited his millions of followers worldwide to join Him in this initiative to protect and heal the world from the COVID-19 using traditional and powerful organic ways as per the ancient Hindu scriptures.

In Unity, Oneness, and Prayer 



Read this briefing in Spanish here

SPH to observe 28-day Hindu fast and prayer along with his millions of worldwide followers to heal the world of Coronavirus

SPH to observe 28-day Hindu fast and prayer along with his millions of worldwide followers to heal the world of Coronavirus


On March 13th, during the Live Nithyananda Satsang, which is telecast to a global audience daily, His Divine Holiness (HDH) Nithyananda Paramashivam announced a 28-day spiritual regimen involving vratha (Hindu fasting), meditation, chanting of sacred sound of Mahavakya, hygienic living, and social distancing called Pacchai Pattini Vratham, which is practiced in India as a method of cleansing, introspection, prayer and meditation. His Divine Holiness requested his 30 million followers worldwide to participate in this event (which he will join as well) to heal the world from the effects of COVID-19. It is SHRIKAILASA’s dharmic responsibility to find spiritual solutions for all the world’s problems. This program of intense prayer and fasting for 28 days to heal the world of COVID-19, is part of SHRIKAILASA’s larger initiative for world peace and health.

His Divine Holiness requested all spiritual organizations worldwide, especially Hindu temples around the world to join SHRIKAILASA in this ambitious effort for the benefit of humanity.

In his address, HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam blessed the world from the effects of COVID-19 or Coronavirus, and encouraged his millions of worldwide followers not to panic and to also observe Pacchai Pattini Vratham for the next 28 days, along with him. Hindu puranas and shastras (spiritual texts) say that this sacred practice was first and still followed by Devi (the Hindu deity embodying divine feminine consciousness) when she was in the form of Mariamman in the city of Samayapuram, India. During this fast, participants are to only drink the liquids that are offered to Devi as sacred offering — tender coconut water, soaked moong daal (green gram), jaggery water, liquid buttermilk, and sugar cane. The Mahavakya is a chant (“Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham”) which connects the individual to the very source cosmic intelligence. It is very popular in the Kashmiri Shaiva Sampradaya and South Indian Shaiva Sampradaya for thousands of years and is applicable to modern day living, especially to heal any problem faced by humanity. Today, the immediate concern is COVID-19, which HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam says can be healed by this technique.

“If you see what modern day authorities are describing as the recommendation for the Coronavirus, you will see it is exactly also described in Pacchai Pattini Vratham,” said HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam. “So whatever our rishis (Hindu sages) prescribe, it is highly scientific. Let’s do Pacchai Patinni Vratham and Mahavakya chanting. Devi will shower her grace and protect all of us.”

HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam also conveyed the importance of his devotees obeying the laws of their respective countries, not panicking, and adhering to the instructions given by governments in their efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 and provide necessary treatment. He cited the example of local governments in the US, Canada, and other countries banning large gatherings of people.

For more on the steps advised as part of the Pacchai Pattini Viratham, please refer to:




No statements in this press release are meant to be a substitute for any medical advice or medical care. Readers are requested to follow their doctors’ instructions and medical advisories as appropriate.

About His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam:
His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam is the reviver of SHRIKAILASA – the enlightened civilization, the greatest and only Hindu Sovereign nation. Adepts of the science of reincarnation in Hinduism recognized HDH as Avatar of Paramashiva at a tender age. Revered and worshiped now as Living Incarnation of super consciousness by millions, HDH manifested the best contributions of Hinduism to the world including the science of power manifestation, yoga, temple based universities while being subjected to all the worst persecution Hinduism faced by anti Hindu elements because of His scientific, progressive, pragmatic human rights conscious approach towards life and gender equality stand. HDH is globally recognized as the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism reviving 14 ancient Sarvajnapeetas including Kashi, Kanchipuram and Madurai, present Maharaja of Suryavamsa Surangi Samrajyam and founder of various universities including the world’s largest Hindu university, Nithyananda Hindu University.

Read this briefing in Spanish here